Hello sunshine. Whats that? You're looking for information on obscure modern indie? Get out now. And take your views on music with you and dispose of them in the bins provided.
For, as we all know, good music stopped being made in 1982. Officially.
With that in mind, how about perusing the pages below. Hopefully you'll find it at least vaguely interesting, and go away feeling that your life has been slightly improved.

Friday 16 July 2010

Are you sitting comfortably? Then i'll begin.

Hello there. I'm fine, thanks for asking.
What with all this modern technology around, what better way to appreciate that which existed before the internet (how did anyone cope, i hear you ask!) than a blog all about arguably the finest and longest-lasting legacy of those days - the music.

As a slight musical oddity in terms of the very stringent parameters i have afforded myself, i'll attempt to guide any careless reader through the murky swamps of ignorance, with their festering underbellies and dangerous pitfalls, towards freedom and enlightenment - think Gollum in Lord of the rings 3, but without the pyschopathic split personality, and tendancy towards unremitting violence. There will also be very few orcs, and more mentions of David Bowie.

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